Vår resa mot ett mer hållbart företagande har bara börjat. För att säkerställa hållbar produktion i Asien gör vi regelbundet förbättringar inom olika områden. Vi producerar högkvalitativa produkter samtidigt som vi har arbetsmiljö och hållbarhet i åtanke. Hållbart företagande för oss innebär ett ansvarstagande inom miljö, samhälle och ekonomi.
The 2030 agenda for sustainable development is used as the starting point for our sustainability progress.
We have chosen to focus on three areas where we have the greatest impact - human resources, the enviroment and the local society. där vi upplever att vi har möjlighet att göra störst skillnad. Vi särskiljer våra engagemangsområden inom tre kategorier – människa, miljö och lokalsamhälle.
We value the wellbeing of our employees and are therefore focusing on offering a safe working environment. Apart from working actively with preventing accidents, there are possibilties to exercise in our units both in Sweden and in China.
We focus on providing a welcoming business environment by treating everyone equal unregarding of gender, age, religious belief or disabilities.
We offer good working coniditions as a part of our work for a sustainable working environment. Our manufacturing unit, quality control centre and our administration offers job opportunities, which in the long run leads to economical growth.
Our production process and resource consumption are being developed to increase the efficiency, and thereby contribute to a sustainable environment.
We are working with reducing the environmental impact of cities by engaging in activities in the local community such as litter picking.
Our quality control centre is testing the quality of our products before delivering to client. Many of the items which are not approved in the first control gets reworked, tested again and thereafter delivered to client. Thus, we reduce the amount of waste.